Continuing the self-destruction


3 democratic presidential candidates couldn't make it to the NAACP Convention for a debate. You know what that makes them?

"persona non grata" in the black community, NAACP President Kweisi Mfume said... "Your political capital is the equivalent of Confederate dollars," he added.

Just goes to show that some folks are not above using racially-charged rhetoric any time it suits them.

Imagine if they had skipped the Culture of Poland Festival:

"Their support of the Polish-American community isn't worth the leftovers of my kielbasa sandwich" said John Barkowowski, the Festival Chairperson, as his cousin Lenny snatched the plate from Mr. Barkowowski's hands and devoured the leftovers in one bite. "Hey! I was going to eat that!" John exclaimed. "It's like the Panzers overran my hopes of advancing the interest of Polka dancers everywhere."


Kweisi is of course aware that President Bush couldn't make it becuase he was in AFRICA, promoting HIV/AIDS relief, trade, and coordinated counter-terror measures. Isn't that something the majority of the African-American community appreciates more than his wasting his time going to this liberal "dog and pony show" just to get the political snot kicked out of him in a forum that will oppose him no matter what he says or does because he's a WASP?

The comment wasn't aimed at Bush, it was aimed at the Democratic nominees who didn't show. Of course, Mfume is full of it. Until the black community wakes up and stops voting reflexively democrat, the candidates can freely ignore them and their little junkets. If you were a presidential nominee, why would you waste your time courting a segment of the population you know you can treat like garbage and still get 90% of the vote?

I had read somewhere that Bush was counted among the missing candidates at the forum. I guess this was simply because the NAALCP (Dittoheads know what the "L" stands for) didn't want to come right out and call it a "Democratic Candidate Forum", which would only prove what we all know, which is that they are liberal-left wing tools of the Democrats. Since Bush is the only candidate on the Republican side, they tossed him in as well. They just can't pass at a chance to take a shot at "W.".

The ones who didn't make it are now lining up to apologize!

--and in the case of Kucinich, to misquote hymns:

"I'm very sorry I wasn't able to be here, amazing grace, how sweet it is, once was lost, now I'm found."

Grovel away, man.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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