The Fringe: January 2007 Archives

It must be hard to keep track of all the stuff going on in Catholic facilities. It seems that a local Spiritualist minister is holding weekly classes in meditation and healing in a conference room at St. Elizabeth's Hospital.

Held on Friday evening @ 7:00pm This class focuses on helping every individual to connect to the Divine Within. Experiment with many forms of meditation from visualization to chanting to drumming…. Many roads lead within! The Laying on of Hands Healing is practiced each week along with a Healing Circle of Light - spreading light throughout the world! Open to All! [...]

Where: at St. Elizabeth's Medical Center, 736 Cambridge St., Brighton/St. Margaret's Building, Conference Rooms 3 and 4. Parking in Garage B.

Special video viewing of "ANGELS AROUND US" presented by NATURES SPIRITUAL EXPRESSIONS followed by a guided meditation "Meet your Angels" with Rev. Mary...

Well, open to anyone with ten bucks per session. Usually, my guardian angel doesn't charge me to talk to him, but maybe things are different in the Big City.

I would write to the Archdiocese about this, but I've already sent the Cardinal a letter about another issue, and they're "carefully looking into" that matter already. Any other Bostonians want to take up this one?

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page is an archive of entries in the The Fringe category from January 2007.

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