Spirituality: August 2009 Archives

A word from the Curé of Ars

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I thank God for having had such a good heart for sinners and for having given one so good to his Mother.

Let us turn to her with a great confidence, and we are sure that, however miserable we may be, she will obtain for us the grace of our conversion.

The most holy Virgin places herself between her Son and us.

The more we are sinners, the more she has tenderness and compassion for us.

The child who costs his mother the most in tears is the one dearest to her heart. Does a mother not always run to the weakest and most endangered one?

Mary is so good that she never ceases to cast a gaze of compassion on the sinner, and is always attentive for when he calls on her.

If a sinner calls upon this good Mother, she brings him in through the window, so to speak.

In the heart of the most holy Virgin, there is nothing but mercy!

(Translated from the July issue of the Montreal lay Catholic newspaper Jésus Marie et notre temps)

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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