Reflecting on the beautiful quote I posted below and what I've read of and by St. Josemaria Escriva, I'm convinced that the spirituality of Opus Dei is the antidote for the pathologies of modernity: atheism, secularism, hedonism, spiritualism, and whatever other "isms" I've neglected to mention. The tendency in the West to remove any mention of the Christian God or religion from public discourse is countered by the Opus Dei, which seeks to sanctify everyday life in a practical manner, thus giving its members a means to answer the universal call to holiness of Lumen Gentium and providing the world with an authentic witness of Christ.
Spirituality: June 2004 Archives
What? Who?
On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.
Richard Chonak
John Schultz
You write, we post
unless you state otherwise.
Richard Chonak
John Schultz
You write, we post
unless you state otherwise.
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