Politics: January 2008 Archives

Political notes

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The candidates of "hope" and "experience" are vying for Democrats' support by competing on which one has more zeal for abortion. Well, doesn't that just make you feel it's morning in America?

In the meantime, the Fox News Channel has excluded Ron Paul from its candidates' forum on Sunday, although he got over 10% support in the Iowa GOP caucuses. Seems a bit anti-democratic to me, and ironic for the company whose election slogan is "You Decide". (For the record, I'm supporting Huckabee so far.)

Has anyone else noticed this? if there's ever a docudrama about the life of Mitt Romney, Tony Snow could play the lead!

Here's the meme of a movement

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Warsaw, Jan. 2 (CWNews.com) - An entirely secular state is an "anachronism," according to the Catholic Archbishop of Warsaw. In an interview with the tabloid Fakt, Archbishop Kazimierz Nycz rejected the idea that the influence of faith should be confined to within the churches. That notion, he argued, had been tested during the 20th century and proven a failure. "The Catholic Church in Poland should tell Europe: We know what happened when the Catholic Church was separated from public life," the Polish archbishop said.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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