Politics: September 2004 Archives

Amazing - the Bush campaign is refuting Kerry's claims with his own words, including video, while the debate is going on. They are really on the ball over there! Think of the all the info they had to have on hand in order to do this so quickly.

And there is some sassy coverage at the Corner.

New bumper sticker for my old, crappy car

Bush bumper sticker

I prefer that the bad guys repent and submit themselves to the local authorities for punishment. But that's a lot to hope for, and it's too much for a bumper sticker.

Is Kerry Catholic?


As one of Zell's Angels (traditional Democrat supporting Bush), I find it laughable when certain people claim that Kerry has Bush beat on every social justice issue of interest to Catholics apart from abortion. So I'm happy to see the following website that shows where Kerry fails on a whole bunch of social justice issues of interest to Catholics.

John Kerry - A Man of His Word


This whole unfortunate incident with [sic.] "Catholics for Free Choice" filing a complaint with the IRS against Catholic Answers' voting guide has got me thinking. In the heat of the election campaign, I think we Catholics have to pay closer attention to the truthfulness of our statements. For example, many of my fellow Catholics have accused John Kerry of being a flip-flop and of never keeping his promises. Well, what do the facts say?

In a 1984 interview, Kerry promised to vote against "Any restrictions on age, consent, funding restrictions, or any law to limit access to abortion." (John Kerry As Quoted In "Mass. Senate Candidates Quizzed On Women’s Issues," Sojourner: The Women’s Forum, 6/30/84)

To the best of my knowledge, Kerry has never broken his word in this regard. For twenty years, Kerry has consistently voted against any legislation that would limit abortion. I have yet to see anyone expose or bring to light an exception. So rather than being a liar and a flip-flop, Kerry has kept his promise when it comes to supporting the barbaric butchery of our children in the womb.

Retraction vis-a-vis John Kerry


When it comes to thugging our children, Team Kerry/Edwards/Fonda are equal opportunists...

During my frisking of [sic.] Katholics for Dean earlier this year, I stated something to the effect that pro-abort John Kerry was prejudiced against our children in the womb. I now wish to retract this statement. As of last Thursday, the Democrats have proven themselves to be equal opportunists when it comes to thugging our children. Here's the photo along with the accompanying AP story:

Three-year-old Sophia Parlock cries while seated on the shoulders of her father, Phil Parlock, after having their Bush-Cheney sign torn up by Kerry-Edwards supporters on Thursday, Sept. 16, 2004, at the Tri-State Airport in Huntington, W.Va. Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards made a brief stop at the airport as he concluded his two-day bus tour to locations in West Virginia and Ohio. (AP Photo/Randy Snyder)

Teresa Heinz Kerry on the hurricane relief efforts:

"Clothing is wonderful, but let them go naked for a while, at least the kids," said Heinz Kerry, the wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry. "Water is necessary, and then generators, and then food, and then clothes."
-link via Drudge.

My friend Jonah Goldberg of National Review has been "outed" as one of the neoconservative puppetmasters of the Bush Administration. According to a review of Pat Buchanan's new book "Israel's Amen Corner: How the Zionists Betray the American People and the Will of God," Goldberg is on Buchanan's enemies list:

His enemies list of neoconservatives has unsurprising names: Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Irving and William Kristol, Charles Krauthammer and Jonah Goldberg.
Hmm...what do those men have in common? Are they all from New York? Are they all left-handed? No, that's not it. Hmm...

When I was a lad, I loved reading Buchanan's columns for their pungent prose and full-strength opinions. Now, I wish this obnoxious windbag would leave the stage for good, taking his "the 1950s were the Golden Age of America and Catholicism" shtick with him. He's an embarrassment to Catholics, Christians in general, and political conservatives.

(Before you ask: do I think Buchanan is an anti-Semite? No, I've not seen any evidence of that. Do I think he loves to play "bait the Jew"? Oh, yes.)

Jimmy Carter, the most ex of our ex-presidents, doesn't like Senator Zell Miller (D-Olympus) anymore. In his speech to the Republican convention, Miller ripped Carter for being a "pacifist," and so Carter zings Miller for being "disloyal."

As the AP article notes, Miller placed loyalty to his family (and to his country, it's fair to imply) over party membership. Carter's santimonious words remind us that old age doesn't necessarily bring wisdom:

By now, there are many of us loyal Democrats who feel uncomfortable in seeing that you have chosen the rich over the poor, unilateral pre-emptive war over a strong nation united with others for peace, lies and obfuscation over the truth and the political technique of character assassination as a way to win elections or to garner a few moments of applause.

"The rich over the poor." Bleech. Doesn't he know how many homes John Kerry owns? (All right -- how many homes his wife owns.)

Miller, a brother leatherneck, proved an old saying: you can only push a Marine so far, and then he'll start to push back. Hard.

Thank you, Steubenville


Hundreds of Catholic pro-lifers made their message heard at a Kerry rally on Saturday. More from Fr. Wilson at the CWN blog.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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