France continues its nightly bouts of rioting and mayhem, perpetrated by "youths" (i.e., north African Muslims). The French assumed their vastly superior culture would overawe the backward immigrants. They assumed wrong.
Some articles worth reading on the subject: First, there is always, always, Mark Steyn. Ever his own best publicist, Steyn points out that he predicted this "uprising" in February of this year. (At the time, I thought he was extrapolating too far, but as he notes, he was being optimistic.)
Second, Israeli professor Steven Plaut recommends that France ought to take its own advice that it gives to Israel: give up large parts of its territory and capital city in exchange for vague promises of "peace." His words are bitter, but his logic is compelling. I would add that we should refer to the Muslim thugs as "freedom fighters."
Finally, Newsweek has a good overview of the riots.
What is France supposed to do? From the reports, it sounds like most of the rioters are citizens, and as such they cannot be deported back to north Africa. Even if they could, how would the authorities go about deporting that many people?
The "nice" approach doesn't seem plausible, either. Unemployment surely fuels the rioters' anger, but if the French government knew how to create economic opportunities it would have done so already. It cannot hand out jobs because there are no jobs to be had in France.
The smart money says the French will do what good leftists always do when confronted with evil on the march: blather and capitulate. If the jihadis are smart, they will present "community leaders" to the French government, to receive the customary promises of government money, slobbering declarations of "respect" for Islam that they would not dream of applying to Christianity. They will say things like....
Please don't incinerate 1,300 cars every night. A few dozen would be acceptable.
Didn't you notice that we hate America just as much as you do?
When you are done with all the other infidels, please slit our children's throats last.