Personal: June 2003 Archives

Long Live the Smear-cat


Update on Smeary - she died around noon at the vet. My wife had just gotten there and the vet said she wasn't going to get any better. Teresa started petting her and she meowed a couple of times and then died.

First time I've had a pet die since I never had pets until we get married. I'm more upset than I thought I would be.

Here's a picture, she's curled up against my laptop - the same laptop I use at home to post to CatholicLight.


And here's a picture we sent with last year's Christmas cards: our dog Eva and Smeary under the Christmas tree. Smeary is rolling around on the carpet - something she did that was always really cute.


Tough day


Yesterday at Mass, my father in law passed out. He's 93 and is in excellent health in body and in mind, but the heat must have gotten to him and before the first reading the celebrant announced that medical personnel were needed in the back of the church. My wife could see that it was her dad, and went to the back of the church. Just before the homily, the paramedics came and took him to the hospital. I left Mass at that time and followed. By the time he got to the hospital, he was fine and after some tests he was sent home to celebrate the rest of Father's Day with the admonition that he not get too riled up. We had a great time with family on both sides and he did great the rest of the day.

We went to bed early because it had been a tiring day. Around 12:30am one of our cats started crying. Teresa turned on the light and noticed the cat was trying to walk around the bedroom floor but seemed to have a broken front leg.

4th Anniversary Picture


This is a picture of Teresa and me on our anniversary. We've had 4 happy years together and have just started helping with the pre-Cana ministry at our parish.


I just got email from Sgt. Eric Johnson, our Catholic Light cohort who is currently with the marines in Kuwait. He doing well but he's anxious to get home to see Paige and the kids. Please pray that he returns safe, sound and soon!

I also gave him all the info for our new home, so we might see some posts from him soon.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page is an archive of entries in the Personal category from June 2003.

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