Marriage & Family: August 2004 Archives

I thought of this when I read Richard's link to the parody drug commercial: ever seen the ads for that birth control patch? They say it causes "blood clots, hemorrhaging, weight gain, stroke, etc." and they make no attempt to minimize it with a statement like "these effects were similar to other patients who received placebos," probably because nobody would want placebo birth control. ("I was in the placebo group? I'm not even married! I was just doing this for the two hundred bucks!")

Also, normal birth control pills contribute to osteoporosis and an increased risk of cancer. Ah, contraception: you gave us casual sex, rampant bastardy, and you strike at the very heart of marriage and family life. Is there anything you can't do?

All you La Leche League moms will be pleased to see that the word is getting out: a campaign urges mothers to breast-feed their newborns exclusively for the first six months.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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