History: November 2004 Archives

Three institutions made me what I am today: the Roman Catholic Church, my family, and the United States Marines. The latter is turning 229 today, which is a cause for celebration among Marines around the world.

At the moment, Marines in Fallujah are celebrating by demolishing a snake pit of oppressive murderers. By all accounts, they are doing well, and one more chapter of our history is being written. The Marine Corps has never lost a battle in its entire history, and it will not now.

Long before I went to war, I thought about the kind of person I would want by my side if I were in combat. I figured I'd want a bunch of ruthless killers around. Not amoral murderers, but men who were at peace with themselves and well-trained to react correctly. A moment of mortal danger isn't the time for self-doubt or philosophizing.

It's a good feeling to be around hundreds of men whom you've never personally met, but who would crawl through a hail of bullets to drag your wounded body to safety. Which is why I'll forgive my brother Marines for their occasional crudities and failings.

Happy birthday, Marines. I wish you safety, and above all, victory over the unjust. I wish I could be there with you.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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