23 years ago today, on the feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Pope John Paul landed in Boston for his first visit to the United States after his election. As a Cardinal Archbishop and professor of theology, he had already been across the river in Cambridge where he had lectured to the eminences of Harvard Divinity School, but now he was coming to his own. And his own received him in a big way, filling Boston Common with a hundred thousand souls, a big crowd for a city of 500,000. We college pals who arrived on foot at 7:30 am -- making a little pilgrimage of it -- were rewarded with a place close enough so that we saw the Pope -- that is, if we had our glasses on -- and that was enough for us. He told us as the rain poured down on us all, Catholics and catechumens alike, and even a few Evangelicals: "Do not be afraid to follow Christ!"
History: October 2002 Archives
October 1, 1979

October 1, 2002 11:04 PM
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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.
Richard Chonak
John Schultz
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Richard Chonak
John Schultz
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