Evangelization: March 2005 Archives

My conversion story -- for free!


A friend of Pete's pointed out that Catholic Answers has posted my conversion story on the Web. It was the cover article on the May 1999 issue. You may read it for free, but that means you probably won't buy the condensed version contained in this here book. That means you'll be denying me my 56 cents in royalties from every sale. For shame!

If I were writing it today, I would change a few things. I'm not sure I like the overall tone, and there are a few sentences that could be beneficially restructured. But it's a good retelling of my conversion. Incidently, I wrote it as a final paper for a writing class I took as part of my M.A. program. The class cost $500, but Catholic Answers paid me $300 to print it, and with the royalties, I've more than paid for the class.

I like the cut of Archbishop Chaput's miter. Here is an account of his lunchtime question-and-answer session yesterday:

...In another face-off, a man identifying himself as a Catholic graduate of Regis University questioned why "a bunch of celibate men are telling us what to do about sex."

"That's the unfair kind of remark that happens in these discussions," Chaput retorted.

"Let's have an honest debate and not make fun of the values of the other side. We've become quite uncivilized."

One questioner observed that the Catholic Church doesn't appear to care about protecting women hurt by unwanted pregnancies.

His voice rising, Chaput replied, "That dear baby who gets aborted is who I'm protecting. Somebody doesn't just get hurt with abortion - they get killed."

"Who will take care of the unwanted children?" another asked.

"I'll take any child that's unwanted and find them a home and take care of the mother," he said. "You have my personal pledge on that."

When the issue of separation of church and state arose, Chaput derided a bill before the legislature that would require hospitals to give emergency contraception information to sexual assault victims.

"The state doesn't seem to worry too much about separation of church and state when it wants to force its point of view on Catholic hospitals," he said.

To applause, another questioner observed that if the church wants to be part of public life, "When is the church going to agree to pay taxes?"

"I run 50 Catholic schools that keep you from paying more taxes - is that worth it to you?" Chaput shot back.

I wish more bishops would go out and mix it up like that. From their tone, it sounds like the questioners didn't expect real answers. They sound like the smug, unreflective types who think religion is stupid and thus they can look down on religious leaders. Then again, even smug, unreflective people need the Gospel.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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