Education: July 2004 Archives

Let's start with a hypothetical proposition:

If God exists, I will not see the movie "Catwoman."
Sounds simple enough! I mean to say that if God exists, He makes certain demands on us with regard to moral behavior. Seeing Halle Berry (proverbially) prowl around the world seeking the ruin of male souls in her Catwoman outfit would be acting contrary to those demands. Her disguise can harldy be called an "outfit" - it's more like cat ears and three postage stamps. To see this movie would be a near occasion of sin at the very least and in all likelyhood actually sinful. Consequently, I will not see the movie "Catwoman."

The mixed hypothetical syllogism in standard form, minus the stuff about demands, moral behavior, cat ears, postage stamps, and sin:

If God exists, then I will not see the movie "Catwoman."
God exists.
I will not see the movie "Catwoman."
This is a formally valid syllogism. It's logical form is known as modus ponens, or affirming the antecedent.

No tolerance for you!


Philosophy professor James Tuttle is suing Lakeland (OH) Community College. The College reduced his teaching schedule and thus his salary -- contrary to seniority rules -- in an apparent move to punish him after he disclosed his Catholic point of view to his students and even -- shock -- mentioned it in a class syllabus!

Dean Brown went on to suggest that Dr. Tuttle "would be happier in a sectarian classroom."
Just imagine the outrage if some other philosophy professor were urged to go get a job at another college because his philosophy was... (you fill in the blank).

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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