Devotions: December 2006 Archives

Prayers to the Sacred Heart (6)

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(The reception of doctrine)

Good Master

On our shoulders, place your yoke, for this yoke is sweet. All irradiated with your goodness, may your doctrine penetrate deeply into us.

Make us carry your burden, for this burden is light. May your commandments, far from encumbering us, enter into our life in the way of your gentle goodwill.

Make us fulfill your law, for this law frees us and lifts us up. May we never complain of being chained by your word or your will, for you have never wanted chains but those of love!

Make us take up your cross, for this cross has less weight when it is carried by your own shoulders and embraced by your generosity.

Engrave in us your ideal, whatever it may cost us, for in your heart every fatigue is changed into rest and every pain becomes beatitude.

--Jean Galot, S.J.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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