On Christmas Day, Cardinal Stafford announced the Holy Father's grant of indulgences in connection with the Year of the Eucharist:
2. A Plenary Indulgence is also granted to the clergy, members of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life and to the other faithful bound by law to recite the Liturgy of the Hours, as well as those who are accustomed to praying the Divine Office for pure devotion, every time, at the end of the day, when they recite Vespers and Compline before the Lord present in the tabernacle, either in community or privately.
More information is available in the decree.
The Latin version looks a little sloppy on the Vatican website. Are venerazioni, exspositum and Tabernacolo proper Latin? And is "sacred liturgy" a proper translation of sacrae functioni? Where is Reginald Foster? What have they done with him?
2. Clericis insuper, sodalibus Institutorum Vitae consecratae et Societatum Vitae apostolicae, aliisque christifidelibus qui lege ad Liturgiae Horarum recitationem adstringuntur, vel qui sola devotione Divinum Officium recitare solent, Indulgentia Plenaria conceditur sub enuntiatis condicionibus quotiescumque, declinante die, sive in communi sive privatim, Vesperas et Completorium ante SS.mum Sacramentum venerazioni fidelium exspositum aut in Tabernacolo adservatum, pie persolverint.