Culture War: February 2005 Archives

Terrorism down the street


The Islamic Saudi Academy is right across the street from the strip mall where I bought my first goldfish, which is next to the comic book store where I spent many of my allowances. It used to be a Fairfax County high school, and then it became a junior high (I believe John and Steve Schultz attended it for one year.) When it and another school were combined, it stood vacant until the Saudis leased it from the county. Now it's a madrassa for Islamofascists and their children.

I was going to republish some news excerpts about the ISA, but this article has so much information that I'll direct your browsers over there. Suffice it to say that they teach hatred of Judaism and Christianity as part of their extreme Wahabbi Muslim faith. Jews are evil and good Muslims will kill all of them on Judgment Day. You've heard all of this before.

That's bad enough, but last year the Maryland state police arrested the former comptroller for casing the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, stopping by the side of the road to videotape its structure. It turns out that he belongs to Hamas. Now a Saudi American alumnus has been indicted for plotting to murder the president. Maybe the guy is innocent, but given the range of evidence that the Feds say they will produce, it doesn't look good for him.

The next time the ISA's lease comes up for renewal, I hope somebody on the county board of supervisors has the guts to oppose it. The school is run by the Saudi embassy, and so it benefits privileged families of a corrupt, oppresive regime. Let them rent space in an office park. Other than filthy lucre, there's no reason my local government should help them spread their anti-American, anti-Jewish, and anti-Christian ideology.

UPDATE: Here is what our local jihadi had when he was arrested:

Ali Indictment

I don't know what's wrong with the gun magazine. Considering most Virginia households have at least one firearm, that's not terribly unusual....

As most of you reading this blog know, Sister Lucia of Fatima passed away this past Sunday, February 13th. Come this Tuesday, February 22nd, Michael Schiavo intends to withdraw the feeding tube from Terri Schindler-Schiavo. We need to invoke the intercession of Sr. Lucia immediately! Therefore, please pass around the following prayer

Merciful Father, you blessed Sr. Lucia of Fatima as a child with a vision of the Virgin Mary, and granted her the grace to live a life of holiness and heroic obedience to Holy Mother Church. By her life she bore witness to the glory of God. Grant, in this hour of need for your daughter Terri Schiavo, that by Sr. Lucia's intercession, those souls hardened by the culture of death may come to believe in the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and be moved to revere and protect her life and all innocent human life. Amen.
Fr. Rob provides more information.

This should be interesting

Yankee Go Frozen...


Look, I have a few questions about these Americans moving to Canada because they are disgruntled with the election. Why do all of them seem to be moving to Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, and Ottawa? These are the four biggest cities north of the US, and each of them has more in common with LA, New York and Chicago than they do the rest of Canada. So let`s stick some of these folks in the True North, Strong and Free and see how they survive in minus 40 weather. If they freeze to death, they are on their own -- especially as there are no doctors to help defrost them outside of the four major cities.

Wonder if he'll be reelected?


A school board member in Fairfax County, Virginia, has made a stir by asking for equal time for his agenda, namely, to promote the idea that homosexuality isn't the pinnacle of human existence.

[...]Hunt said students often are exposed to the "Will and Grace version of homosexuality." He contended in the letter that gays often suffer drug and alcohol abuse or physical abuse and that gay men don't live as long as heterosexual counterparts. "There are huge ramifications for people who may make a choice to go into that lifestyle, and we should make sure they are fully aware of the entire issue[.]"

Read the story.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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