Culture War: July 2003 Archives

Beware of the cutters


A wealthy Colombian movie producer pays peasants to be sterilized:

...he asked to be identified as William Tell after the Swiss patriot who was ordered to shoot a small apple off his young son's head.

Explaining his choice of name, he said his parents were Swiss. While the historic Tell fought against the tyranny of the occupying Austrians, he said he does battle with the tyranny of fertility.

Isn't this sad? Some faithless man gives away money and land, leading poor men to sin: a penny for your soul.
Worried sick but too late to call off the operation, Colombian peasant Marquelis had a panic attack and passed out at the clinic.

Fainting won him only a brief reprieve, and the father of three was soon under the knife. After a few delicate snips, Marquelis became the proud -- if sterile -- owner of acres of land under a private Colombian program that gives plots to men in two Caribbean coast towns who undergo vasectomy operations.

"When the moment of truth came, I almost called the whole thing off. But then I decided: I have to do it," he said.

"I have to do it"? This mutilation is not even undertaken as a fully free choice at one's own initiative, but is a matter of bribery and pressure. It expresses a profound disrespect for human dignity and for conscience. Just imagine what howls of outrage would be heard if the Church were doing something similar: say, offering people money and land for conversions.

According to this article, Most Democratic Presidential Candidates Oppose Gay Marriage but Support Civil Unions, the Reverend Al Sharpton says federal law should approve same-sex marriage. Um, Rev, where is that in the Bible?

Marriage on the edge

We don't have to guess at what will happen if marriage becomes a mere private matter. Maggie Gallagher looks over to Europe.

Tolerance? Not For You!

From January: Robert Epstein, the editor-in-chief of Psychology Today tells how he found "a dark, intolerant, abusive side of the gay community" after the magazine dared to publish a small ad for Joseph Nicolosi's book, A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality (excerpt). Dr. Epstein seems to hold pretty liberal views, but let's give him two cheers for his willingness to let ideas contend on their merits.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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