Canonical: May 2004 Archives

And people ask me why the Church grants so many annulments?

As some of you know, I work full-time for a diocesan tribunal. Like most lay canonists, I also work part-time for several (about a half-dozen) Catholic tribunals on the side. A package arrived from one of these today that contained about a dozen cases. Of course I cannot name the tribunal or share any detailed information, but here's a quick breakdown based upon the length of the marriage in question:

Over 15 yrs: 1
10 to 15 yrs: 2
7 to 9 yrs: 1
4 to 6 yrs: 2
1 to 3 yrs: 4
Under a year: 2

Exactly half these cases concern marriages between two individuals who were
not Catholic at the time of marriage. Four of the cases concern mixed marriages between Catholics and non-Catholics. Only two concerned a marriage between two Catholics.

Boston parish closures


Well, the list is out and my parish in Boston is on it. Holy Trinity Church has been ordered to close, with one year delay. Now, that's interesting, since it seems to indicate a willingness to take our needs into account.

Here's the full list....

Time to instruct the ignorant


Professor Edward Peters, in his usual lucid manner, dispels a cardinal's misunderstandings about whether it is proper to admit or bar pro-abortion politicians from Holy Communion.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page is an archive of entries in the Canonical category from May 2004.

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