John Schultz: September 2006 Archives

Remember: Islam means peace

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The media uses the word firestorm in 3 ways:

1. Literal firestorm, e.g. "The river valley erupted in a firestorm this afternoon, destroying 300 acres of national forest in just 2 hours."
2. Political trouble, e.g. "Senator Smith's on-air comments sparked a firestorm of criticism"
3. When Muslim's get offended. Which can happen on days that end with Y. And in the a.m. And in the p.m. Just about anywhere that comments or situations get taken out of content.

And the priceless quote of the day:

"Anyone who describes Islam as a religion as intolerant encourages violence," [Pakistan's] Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Tasnim Aslam said.

Today's Baby Pic

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Musical Metaphor from Pope Benedict


From this article about yesterday's activities on the B16 Bavarian Victory Tour:

"In an organ, the many pipes and voices must form a unity," said Benedict, himself an accomplished pianist. "If here or there something becomes blocked, if one pipe is out of tune, this may at first be perceptible only to a trained ear.

"But if more pipes are out of tune, dissonance ensues and the result is unbearable. Also, the pipes of an organ are exposed to variations of temperature and subject to wear.

"This is an image of our community. Just as in an organ, an expert hand must constantly bring disharmony back to consonance," he said.

Translation for the folk group members out there:
You know how Bobby can't seem to tune his E string right? Well... it sounds bad. And you don't want bad sound on things like "On Eagle's Wings."

9/11 in media from the Middle East

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MEMRI has compiled a publication and documentary of Arab and Iranian media coverage of the 9/11 attacks.

For the love of God why?


Nearly everyone who lives in DC has been to the National Cathedral. My high school used to have it's baccalaureate there, and the choir got to sing from the normal place behind the sanctuary. Even if the speeches were boring, you could still sit there and marvel at the beauty of the place.

So with that experience in mind: there's something very disheartening about seeing the former president of Iran speaking from a pulpit at there. And I'm hardpressed to think about what anyone at the Cathedral would think could be gained by this.

See for yourself:

Full article in the Washington Times.


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We're bracing ourself for rain, wind, & exaggerated media reports of the storm-induced mayhem coming from our amigo Ernesto. I had to cut the dog walk short today for fear of turning a happy, dry dog into a stinky, wet dog.

Anytime you see pictures of flooding - just remember these 15 seconds of classic NBC morning TV. The Newsbusters story is here.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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