Nearly everyone who lives in DC has been to the National Cathedral. My high school used to have it's baccalaureate there, and the choir got to sing from the normal place behind the sanctuary. Even if the speeches were boring, you could still sit there and marvel at the beauty of the place.
So with that experience in mind: there's something very disheartening about seeing the former president of Iran speaking from a pulpit at there. And I'm hardpressed to think about what anyone at the Cathedral would think could be gained by this.
See for yourself:
That cathedral belongs to my former denomination; what more would you expect? When we visited D.C. a few years ago, we passed on the cathedral and took in the (Catholic) Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. It was a good decision.
And I thought the Episcopalian establishment was too left-wing to support nuclear power!
The Episcopal Church is down in membership, but not out as far as being able to do the outrageous.
I wonder whether Mr. Khatami would be willing to appear on the same platform with the lady who currently holds the office of Episcopal Bishop of Washington.