Things I'm Thankful For
My very informal list of the simple things.
1. I'll get more traffic because Nihil Obstat will post that my title ends with a preposition.
2. My bed has enough space for my dog to sleep underneath
3. My cats are stupid enough to follow me out of the bedroom at 5:30am every morning thinking they'll get fed, when all I do is kick them out of the bedroom so I can get another hour of sleep.
4. My yard has tall trees.
5. My wife is loving, kind, holy and fun - and might even make a pie for tomorrow.
6. My choir works hard and understands why we're there.
7. My new spam filters for Outlook Express are working out well.
8. I've had all sorts of holy people in my life that have challenged me and help me grow.
9. Steve had a great idea to make this a group blog - it's more fun that way.
10. I've lost a few pounds since I cut back on the carbs.
11. Structured prayers like the Rosary and the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy help you pray when your mind or heart is not totally inclined to pray.
12. My parish has two great priests.
That's all for now. Post what you're thankful for in the comments.