Christmas Eve Liturgy I'm slipping

Christmas Eve Liturgy

I'm slipping in a few things at Christmas Eve that are meant to deal with the Marty Haugen "Mass of Creation" factor.

1. We're going to do two chants in English - A Child Is Born In Bethlehem (Puer Natus) and another I can't remember.
2. We're doing the Victoria "O Magnum Mysterium" during Preparation of the Gifts.
3. A Cantor will sing the Christmas Proclamation at the beginning of Mass.

We'll be doing all the sacred Christmas Carols we normally do, so there will be plenty of familiarity for the congregation. We do the Haugen because of it's universality in the US Church. It's not the greatest but it does increase the chances that people will sing the eucharistic acclamations.

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John Schultz

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