Arts & Culture: July 2006 Archives

Gregorian pop

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I guess the boy band trend survived in Europe after a fashion: here's a bunch of guys who dress up in robes and sing Gregorian-style arrangements of pop tunes. Here are some of their videos: one with Sarah Brightman and one with some waif named Desireles; and a U2 song. There are also fan-made videos with the group's renditions of "Stairway of Heaven" and a tune by "Green Day".

It seems to be a totally artificial project of some music producer, and somewhat laughable in the way of certain European pop groups, but the fact that this is popular is a good sign.

Update: LOL: Another group is doing the same thing in Polish.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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