An 11-year-old girl gets sick of Nordstrom selling only clothes fit for prostitots. She writes a letter that finds it's way to the President's desk. He decides to begin carrying more conservative clothing for this age group; "that it's important to maintain a balance and selection." Gosh, I think it's important not to make 11-year-olds look like tramps!
Arts & Culture: May 2004 Archives
A modest proposal - washtimes
The Therese movie is coming

May 29, 2004 9:49 PM
An October 1 release date has been announced for Leonardo Defilippis' film about the life of St. Therese. Keep up with news about the picture at
What? Who?
On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.
Richard Chonak
John Schultz
You write, we post
unless you state otherwise.
Richard Chonak
John Schultz
You write, we post
unless you state otherwise.
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