REPORT - Maciel didn't tolerate lying among his children

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New allegations from the Spanish-speaking world. Giselle has an unofficial translation here. In reading through, this part really stands out given all that has happened over the past eight months (emphasis mine):

[Maciel's] three Mexican children -the oldest is 29, the middle one, Jose, is 27 and the younger one who is not over 15- have not yet been able to assimilate the multiple lives of their father. 'He was very strict with them' says Bonilla 'He had many norms for them that should be followed strictly: no smoking, no drinking, no girlfriends until 20 or 21 years of age, and the most notable; no lying...'

Ironic, given that the LC/RC leadership's failure to come forward with the truth, and the appearance of covering up for Maciel's lies, are fueling the scandal right now.

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This page contains a single entry by Pete Vere published on September 14, 2009 5:21 PM.

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