Do you ever click on a link and wish you hadn't?
I was reading a snarky press release that linked over to a Minneapolis, MN parish. The press release was lamenting the certain content on the site is pro-gay but the local bishop and pope won't do anything about it. (In case you're wondering why I think the press release is snarky - just read it for tone and check out the quote at the end.
Well, it turns out there's some special stuff on that site besides what is mentioned in the article:
A unique aspect of Sunday Mass at St. Joan of Arc are the challenging presentations given by guest speakers and SJA's pastors. This section of our webpage announces upcoming speakers. Please join us.The schedule needs to be copied here to be believed:

There you have it. Outrageous liturgical practices, political "sermons" made by lay people... it's just so... Episcopalian.
Can we make a trade? A couple of orthodox, Bible-believing Episcopal parishes for a parish that's Catholic in name only?
Global freakin' warming?????? I just don't get it - the people in the pews are contracepting and aborting away the next generation of religious and laity - shacking up and donating a dollar to the collection basket(if they go to Mass that particular Sunday at all), and "global warming" is the big, important topic of a homily? If despair weren't a sin.......
I like the fact that this sharp-tongued press release comes from "AgapePress".