More fun with quotes about the translation debate


From BeliefNet

Though most of the changes are minor, they alter parts of the daily Mass so familiar to American Catholics that it could lead to a "liturgical disorientation," said Monsignor Kevin Irwin, an adviser to the bishops' liturgy committee and professor of liturgy and sacramental theology at Catholic University.
"Liturgical Disorientation" - like...
1. When liturgical dancers show up unannounced?
2. When DRE's turn First Communion into "The First Communion Pageant & Reception" aka "Your Child Will Experience A Special Meal Today!"
3. When the priest drives a VW Bug up the aisle on Ascension Sunday (this actually happened in the 70's at a parish in Virginia.


How about when Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey enter the sanctuary?

The VW bug... was that in Norfolk?

Good Shepherd in Mount Vernon, VA.


4. When the priest uses a floodlight, a boombox and an industrial-sized vacuum cleaner as "props" during a homily. (This actually happened as well)

If they want to avoid "liturgical disorientation" then priests should stop changing the words of the liturgy willy nilly. That's pretty darn "disorienting" for us in the pews.

As for the impending liturgical changes (which I await happily), any "disorientation" will disappear once we get used to them. Clerical improvisation, OTOH, keeps changing constantly.

[Actually, I think the move away from the ad orientem posture was the original "liturgical dis-orient-ation";-)]

In Jesu et Maria,

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