Thanks for the feedback

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Thanks to all who posted on the text read during the dressing of the altar. The consensus is it stinks. It's just not worthy of the Mass, isn't allowed for to begin with, and makes no mention of what the Mass and the Eucharist really are.

The actual execution of it on Sunday was worse than I imagined. The renegade DRE (originally responsible for this being done) gathered up all the kids during the Creed and ushered them into the back to prepare for her production. Right in the middle of the creed, on a Sunday where it's particularly important to affirm what the Church teaches and believes.

I haven't had contact with the DRE - it turns out she's less than a year from retirement and has a sour disposition. So - our liturgy director gives her a wide berth. Nice: no one wants to engage the DRE because she's so defensive about what she does.

I'm sure options will be kicked around for next year that don't include this. Hopefully the kids and their parents can focus on the sacrament instead of being involved in a big, meaningles production that detracts from the sacrament.

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There was a quote I came across once from a pastor. When asked why he didn't have a Liturgy Committee, he replied to the effect, "Why do we need a liturgy committee? We have the Roman Missal."

Do the Red, Say the Black. Ya know?

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This page contains a single entry by John Schultz published on May 1, 2006 6:33 PM.

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