Another reason that "dissident theologians" have totally marginalized themselves

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Dissident theologians opposed to the beatification of Pope John Paul have issued an appeal urging Catholics critical of the late pope to tell the Vatican if they also think he should not be made a saint.

The 11 Catholic theologians said Church officials who are reviewing John Paul's life and pontificate should also consider the "negative evaluation" liberal critics have of the nearly 27-year-old papacy that ended when John Paul died in April. ...more


While I disagree with thier argument, mostly because they argue that JPII was not liberal ENOUGH, I think that we should not rush to beatify JPII.

In the fullness of time, and with proper reflection, the Church will make the proper decision. Whether that is to beatify JPII or not, I will leave to more qualified individuals.

It's always been a tradition that there be a devil's advocate arguing against sainthood. I don't see the general call for aiding his cause to be inappropriate. The problem is that these particular DAs seem to think that upholding orthodoxy is sinful. That attitude, if its truly how they feel, is a major problem.

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