

As I type, two legs of lamb are marinating at Panjshir's, my town's Afghan restaurant. We'll pick them up tomorrow and let them flavor through until roasting on thurday.

Who needs a Turducken when you can have an exotic Thanksgiving!

I'll report with the results later this week.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!


Who needs a turducken? I need a turducken.

For Thanksgiving, I have been making osturduckenen for a few years now. If you want exotic, this is it -- ostrich, turkey, duck, chicken, and hen. Don't forget the three stuffings too. Yummm.

Make it a Monteosturduckenen by stuffing a Monte Christo sandwich inside the Osturduckenen.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by John Schultz published on November 22, 2005 8:06 PM.

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