A co-worker overheard this dialogue in a Las Vegas casino:
Wife: Let's go find an ATM. Husband: What do you need money for? Wife: I need to win back what I lost.
Wife: Let's go find an ATM.
Husband: What do you need money for?
Wife: I need to win back what I lost.
A good way to lose...your marriage!
Co-worker #1: So, do you get Columbus Day off from school? Co-worker #2: No, we only get holidays for black people and Jesus.
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This page contains a single entry by Richard Chonak published on October 12, 2005 9:07 PM.
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A good way to lose...your marriage!
Co-worker #1: So, do you get Columbus Day off from school?
Co-worker #2: No, we only get holidays for black people and Jesus.
OverHeardInTheOffice.com - an RSS feed worth subscribing to.