The Washington Bach Consort will be playing the B-Minor Mass at the Strathmore on Friday. The choir is always extremely well-prepared, as is the "period" orchestra, although we will certainly pity the poor hornist who has to play "Quoniam" on a corno di caccia, as well as the three trumpeters who will surely lose some grey matter during the performance of the work. (Should you want to hear a "period" orchestra, try the samples for this recording of the Bach.)
are you playing or advertising - or both?
You're too kind. I'm only advertising because I have enjoyed their performances for years.
Whee! It's a great piece.
I remember the first time I heard this exquisite work live...it was at the annual Marlboro College Bach Festival in Marlboro, VT....and it was the first time I had seen a woman conductor. One never forgets a perfomrance like that one. If Bach isn't in Heaven, I'm not sure I want to be there without him...