More Catholic/Orthodox tensions

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Ukrainian Catholic Church says move to Kyiv not aimed at other churches

(AP) - The head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church said Aug. 18 that the church's plans to move its headquarters from the western city of Lviv to the Ukrainian capital were not aimed against other churches.

"The move is not aimed against anybody and it is motivated by real needs and the development of the Greek Catholic Church," Cardinal Lubomir Husar said in a statement posted on the church's official Web site.

The Greek Catholic Church plans to move to Kyiv by this Aug. 21, Husar said.

Russian Orthodox Church's Patriarch Alexy II warned on Aug. 17 that the move would affect relations with the Vatican and would stoke tension in Ukraine. Protests staged by minor pro-Russian organizations were expected on Aug. 21.

The Russian church has long accused Catholics of poaching for converts among the Orthodox since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 Soviet collapse.

1 Comment

I see the thugs have the microphone over at the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. It's such a shame.

Just for the record, Byzantine Catholics would be entirely subsumed into Orthodoxy as soon as any sort of reunion would happen. They are not churches that contain some Eastern traditions. They are Eastern Churches that are in union with Rome and share in the obligation to proclaim the faith to all the nations.

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This page contains a single entry by John Schultz published on August 19, 2005 12:38 PM.

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