Good move


Bishop ban targets pro-abortion, gay rights politicians
Catholic move mutes speeches at churches

Frances Kissling, who heads Catholics for a Free Choice, said the ban represents a change from the past, when politicians frequented church dinners and the like.

She said the church risks isolating itself politically and religiously if it continues to restrict who may address Catholics at church facilities.

Arizona Rep. Collette Rosati, a Catholic and a Republican, said she supports the bishop.

"You can't give a bully pulpit to politicians who don't support church teaching," she said.

I'm glad some bishops are working hard to keep Catholic events Catholic.


Since the Scandal broke 3 years ago, haven't myriads of American Catholics been praying for better bishops? Now we're getting them.

Who says God doesn't hear and answer our prayers?

Olmsted is definitely what Phoenix needed.

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