Terrible News Title

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"Bishop says Anglican refugees not wanted"

That's not exactly what he said, and the article title implies he's telling disaffected Anglicans to go jump in a lake.

"When there was the ordination of women in the first place there were some Anglicans who applied to be received into the Catholic Church, and the same provision is there at the moment," he told Catholic News Service. "But there is an understanding that you don't come into the Catholic Church for a negative reason.

"Those Anglican priests who were received into the church were received for positive reasons - for example, that they accepted the teaching authority of the church," he said.

1 Comment

I think this may be "the straw"...It could lead to a tidal wave of Anglican conversions....fingers crossed!

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This page contains a single entry by John Schultz published on July 13, 2005 11:27 AM.

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