

The Diocese of Arlington does not permit altar girls.
The northern VA chapter of Call to Action is not happy about it.
They have a quaint little way to protest (apparently left over from last Lent.)

I wonder what kinds of "alternative non-profits" the money goes to...


Anyone else notice that the spell-as-you-go red squiggles were captured along with the form?

That, the fact that they're hosted on Geocities, and the fact that they're pushing something that isn't heretical makes me think the Arlington Chapter of Call to Action isn't serious; those of you in Arlington should count yourselves lucky (and blessed).

Interesting. AFAIK, the conference of Catholic Bishops in the US has stated that any parish who wishes to forbid the use of altar girls is free to do so with no interference from their local Bishop. I don't know if that ruling extends the other way.

I have two girls who were altar servers and I'm not so sure it's a good idea. I think one of the reasons that we don't have enough boys signing up is that the girls are there. (People seem to think that it's the other way around... they need the girls because there are no boys).

Used to be, being an altar boy helped you discern for the priesthood. Girls cannot be priests. Why are they serving?

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