Good news: "In Rising Numbers, Lawyers Head for Guantánamo Bay"


When I saw the headline above in the New York Times, my heart lept with joy. At last, we are getting serious about the war on terror!

Then I realized that the lawyers were going to Guantánamo to serve as legal representatives for the detained thugs. They weren't going as prisoners. My heart stopped leaping.

Ah, well. Maybe someday.


Like Bill shakes said - first, kill all the lawyers.

Oh wait, that was because the character wanted to remove what stood in the way of tyranny. Soviet Russia had far more engineers than lawyers. Made the Gulags much more efficient.

What stands in the way of American tyrrany are the habits of a free citizenry and 200 million guns in private hands. The excessive number of lawyers erodes our freedoms, if anything.

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This page contains a single entry by Eric Johnson published on May 31, 2005 10:13 PM.

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