The papacy, not just an instrument

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Discussions about the papacy revolve mainly around the duties of the office, and its function within the Catholic faith. That is not the only essential aspect of the pope's role, however. The papacy is not solely an instrument that performs certain actions, it is good and beautiful in its own right.

It is a sign of God's providence that he would entrust the Gospel to an unbroken line of successors, who are God's primary liaisons to mankind until Christ comes again. The charism of infallibility, often misunderstood and derided, is a gift not only to the pope, but to all of us. Jesus went to the trouble of becoming incarnate, teaching his disciples, getting crucified for our sins, and rising from the dead. Having gone to all that effort, the Good Shepherd wants to ensure that his truth will remain intact, pure and entire.

Too often, that gets buried in media coverage that emphasizes the political aspect of the papacy to the exclusion of the central fact: God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, and the protection of his saving message are manifestations of God's perpetual love.

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This page contains a single entry by Eric Johnson published on April 20, 2005 12:15 AM.

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