Jersey was my wife's cat eleven years before I met her. She had 18 happy cat years and brought us alot of joy. She had gotten sick recently but bounced back, yesterday she took a turn for the worst.
This picture was taken on our wedding day, May 28, 1999 - Jersey was oblivious to the mayhem in the house, as only a cat can be.

My sympathies. It's hard to lose a pet, esp. one that has been a part of your life for so long.
Back in 1997, my mother had to put down her (initially my) cat at age nineteen -- up till then he was living disproof of the dangers of second-hand smoke. But it was a hard loss for her after the loss of my dad. So again, condolences and sympathies to you and Teresa. And I love that picture! They really have a knack for affected disdain, don't they?
I'm sorry to hear about your loss.
I was not a cat person until I got married, and my wife had a cat which looked remarkably like yours. At first she (the cat) tried to get rid of me (sticking her paw into my mouth when I snored, peeing on my side of the bed, etc.), but eventually we won each other over. In one month my wife and I celebrate our 26th anniversary, and we now have 4 cats and on German Shepherd.
Thanks for the kind words.
18 years - long time for a cat. I'm sorry for your loss. (I have a scruffy old cat that's been with me since '94. I know it will be hard to see him go when the time comes).
So sorry for your loss. Cats do become members of the family, don't they? We currently have 4 of them.
Condolences on the loss of your kitty. It is hard to lose a pet, especially one of an advanced age. They become part of the family in a sense, almost "human". We once had a cat (Tuck) that lived to be 18; she was in pretty good shape up till 6 months before she died. The vet recommended putting her down, but we just kept her as comfortable as possible and gave her constant love and attention. One night she just slipped away in her sleep, and the next morning I found her curled up beside the fireplace. That was almost 8 years ago, and I still miss her. We have 3 cats now, the oldest is 10, and thank God they are still full of beans and chasing each other round the house. It's spring, don't you know! God bless Jersey and I'm sure she had a loving home for all the time she was with you. She looks a lot like our Smokey.
Loving and losing a pet is so difficult...and so many people are apparently abandoning their pets (esp. cats) to the wild....