As I loaded up the FoxNews Webcam...


I thought: what a change in technology since the last election. We've gone from TV and radio crews in bad suits to webcams and cell-phone jammers. The blackberries in the conclave that elected JPII were tasty, this group had to leave their blackberries outside the conclave. Cardinal Mahoney's blackberry is probably filling up with e-mails like

OK to sing music from Jesus Christ Superstar at the Cathedral? Respond asap: andrew lloyd webber is coming for Ascension

You can get to the Webcam from


"Mahony" -- "Mahony" -- no E, darn it!

Ok... stop with the Mahony baloney, Gordon! :)

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This page contains a single entry by John Schultz published on April 19, 2005 11:50 AM.

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