15 minutes and counting


Good Heavens. The media are on to us!

Not only did AOL link to this blog the other day, but some kind folks at MSNBC dropped us an e-mail invitation, since they like to invite bloggers onto Monica Crowley's show to comment on the news.

We don't know yet whether that's going to actually happen, but if it does, you may see Pete Vere on that cable channel at about 12:30 p.m. Monday. Now, he probably won't have his Alhambra fez on, so just keep an eye out for someone who looks Canadian.


How does one "look Canadian"? :-)

Maybe if he just says "eh?" a lot that will be enough?


i got linked by AOL, too. For some reason, I noticed a lot of the people who came to me through AOL were, uh, somewhat eccentric. I spent a lot of time deleting comments that were either disrespectful or just plain nuts.

Good Heavens. I bet they will want to talk about women and the priesthood and contraception before they bring up abortion and euthanasia. In any case, I have confidence that you will know how to answer. You all will be in our prayers! John Paul is counting on us to continue his work of the New Evangelization! :)

In Christ,

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by Richard Chonak published on April 3, 2005 10:33 PM.

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