Why is Terri being denied Viaticum again?

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As you have probably heard, Judge Greer reportedly will not allow Terri to receive Viaticum once her feeding tube is removed. The denial of Terri's right to Viaticum is the most hideous thing to come out of this. It is the fundamental right and obligation of every Catholic who is facing death to seek Viaticum if possible. In fact, I remember addressing this the last time her right was denied. Here's the article: Why was Terri Denied Holy Communion?

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I will most likely blog on this on March 16 at Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, if you're interested, Pete. I think it's horrible that Judge Greer is violating Mrs. Schiavo's religious liberty in this way.

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This page contains a single entry by Pete Vere published on March 10, 2005 2:04 AM.

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