

Fritz's funeral Mass is on Tuesday and 11am in Waynesboro, Virginia. Teresa and I are planning the music for the Mass now, and I'm reminded that the Breaking Bread hymnal ("Catholic America's #1 Disposable Hymnal") has a lot of this in it:



What? No crudite??

I was afraid your picture would be of something else, but then I remembered that this was a Catholic blog!

Well, I'm so used to drawing little pieces of swiss cheese on music scores from OCP I didn't even think of... poo!

does it include the hymn "The King of Love My Shepherd is"? I love that hymn and have given instructions that it is to be sung at my funeral mass.

That's a great old-timey hymn tune. We went toward Germany more since Fritz was an immigrant. So we're using the Ode to Joy hymn tune for one of the congregational pieces.

That actually looks like a picture of tasty, good quality cheese.

Maybe a picture of Velveeta Lite would be more appropriate.

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This page contains a single entry by John Schultz published on February 26, 2005 6:51 PM.

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