Retreat house suggestions?


Does anyone know a retreat house with good vegetarian cooking? A friend of mine is looking for a weekend meeting place for a group she belongs to, and a fair number of the members are veg. She doesn't happen to be a Catholic, so feel free to suggest places run by other religious communities or even non-religious conference centers.

Please reply in the comments; thanks.

PS: I forgot to specify a geographical range. Anywhere in the Northeast should be OK: say, from Maine to Pennsylvania. Thanks to the reader who asked.


How far does she want to travel??

I know the trappist houses are all usually veg. St. Joseph's Abbey in Spencer MA might be able to accomodate.

If I'm not mistaken, most strict monasteries are vegetarian as far as the monks and nuns go. But they make stuff like spaghetti and meatballs etc for the visitors. It should be an easy request to handle.

Or just visit one of the Orthodox monasteries in NY or PA. I'm sure they won't modify their rule and menu regardless of who shows up, especially during the fasts before Christmas and Easter. No eggs, milk, oil, etc either during the fasts. (That means black coffee, folks.)

RC -

I'm at Mary Immaculate Center for the year on the Spirituality Year Program for St. Charles Seminary. The center is open to retreats and I'm sure they can accomodate the needs of vegetarians. It's in Northampton, PA about twenty miles from Allentown.

The website is Give your friend my email address - I'd be happy to answer any questions!


Angelspring Farm Wellness Retreat in Fayette County, Pennsylvania. I just blogged an article on it yesterday.

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