Reality Bytes Another Canadian Leftist in the Bottom as Canada hits Rock Bottom


I received the following email from "Johnny Canuck", a good friend of mine from my former university days. He was the ultra-liberal while I was the ultra-conservative in our circle. (We were all Canadian, so my conservatism at the time would be somewhat to the left of Casey Democratism).

Nevertheless, the so-called homosexual "marriage" issue turned him into a conservative during the last election. This was shocking enough among those who know John. But this past week's Supreme Court decision has forced him to admit our country sucks--especially when compared to America. In Canada, this is the political equivalent of an Anglican poping.

Anyway, here's the email I just received. For the record, I'm debating whether to resign from the 4th Degree of the KofC or whether to simply halt the transferal of 4th Degree membership to Ottawa, so that I remain a member of the Florida assembley to which I belonged.


I'm just so disheartened with the [Supreme Court of Canada] news regarding same sex "marriage". I expected the High Priests of Canada to supply us with this fatwa, but nevertheless, reading it in the news is hard to take. I was browsing around Free Dominion and something struck me. Why are opponents referring to it as same sex marriage? To me, these "unions" will always and in every way be same sex unions. Opponents should adopt this phrase from now on to strengthen our resolve.

In redefining marriage, the power brokers of the country have finally crossed the line. Frankly, I was once proud of Canada, especially in regard to it's social programs and peace-keeping role around the world, but social programs are abused, mismanaged, and used as a political playing card from the ruling party, the military has been depleted which brings disgrace on my WWII grandfather, and on the matter of redefining marriage, any pride I had is now lost.

Though I would never say it, when I worked stateside I did have an attitude of superiority over my co-workers, the Americans and their country. I really thought that Canada was a better country. I thought that it adhered to Christian values more than the U.S., even though fewer Canadians worshipped on Sunday compared to Americans.

But regardless of the comparison, the point I want to make is simply that I am disgusted with Canada and though a friend recently said that the country is more than the government, by and large, the country is compromised of passive people with no vision for the future, being concerned only with what can pacify people's "individual" rights in the present. The population has become arrogant and secularism helped us think we are our own Gods.

Something is informing our collective value system and that something is no longer Christian sentiment. So today, a part of my citizenship was taken away. As a Christian, my pride in Canada was stripped to the bone. But there is Christ, and his Church, and with that I have a home. It is this citizenship that I will give to my children, my family will simply live in Canada.

Thanks for listening,
"Johnny Canuck"


I'll confess to similar feelings. Living only five minutes from the border has me thinking "if only I were geographically placed 10 minutes south...sigh" I love Canada. I love the land, I like most other Canadians I've met. The politicians make me sick, and I'm so fed up with them speaking for me. It's a dreadful feeling of going to hell in a handbasket, but like Johnny Canuck, I have to remember that my true citizenship is in heaven.

True, on these scores, Canada is worse. But the sad fact is America ain't far behind, and seems headed in the same direction, but for the brief rest stop that was the 2004 elections. After the bathroom break and an infusion of caffeine, we will head right back on that highway to hell in 2008.

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