The link is to a press release on the Diocese of Scranton's website. They have yet to post the letter in full.
“The church has always taught — and I teach here — that we need to find our happiness and holiness in a commitment to the chastity lived out in marital love or the chastity of celibacy lived out either in the consecrated life or the life of a single lay person in the world. These are the two paths to happiness and eternal life. There are no others.”While some may believe that other subjects take priority, Bishop Martino stressed that
“chastity is a virtue for our times, and it does take priority. That should be clear, for instance, in the wake of the scandalous events in our own church as well as those in secular society.”
Scranton's diocesan newspaper is, incidentally, called "The Catholic Light."
The letter is up, at
Simple and beautiful. I caught myself taking long pauses of consideration of the Bishop's words. There is plenty in here to convict each and every one of us of not promoting the virtue of chastity in some way. Lord have mercy on us, and may God bless Bishop Martino.
Years before I converted, I told the Schultz Brothers: "Sure, I believe in chastity. In theory, of course."