Out in force?


Consider the following from this site:

WHAT: A prayer vigil to call attention to a
growing atmosphere of homophobia in the Catholic Church.
WHEN: Tuesday, Nov. 9, 8-9:30am & 3:30-5pm.
WHERE: Chancery of the Arlington Diocese at 200 N. Glebe Rd., Arlington, Va.
WHO: Soulforce DC and other supportive groups and people of faith who are concerned about the fundamentalist drift of the Catholic Church.
WHY: The Arlington Diocese has not responded to 3 recent letters from Soulforce DC expressing our concern about the tone and
content of recent statements and documents from the Catholic Church concerning gays and lesbians. They have ignored our requests
for dialogue to begin the process of reconciliation and healing. We vigil to let
the victims of homophobia know that they are not alone and to give them hope for a more just and loving world.

Did it happen?

(Thanks to Fr. Sibley for the link.)


What's a "victim of homophobia"?

WHEN: Tuesday, Nov. 9, 8-9:30am & 3:30-5pm.

Providence works a split shift? Obiously anything being said was directed vertically and not horizontally.

From what's on the website, it appears they planned these vigils for 12 different diocesan chanceries across the country, and drew a total of 150 participants -- about 12-13 per chancery, on average.

Nice of them to pray for us, anyway. I'll return the favor.

... about 12-13 per chancery, on average

Just enough to draw the TV cameras.

Soulforce will receive national and possibly international attention, no doubt, when they have their annual protest at the USCCB's meeting November 14 - 17.

I'm a victim of "Christophobia"!! I think I'll sue the Times for the pain and suffering it's caused me...

Soulforce.... bunch of hippie guys with really big afros.

Heard on World Over Live that Fr. James Gould was refused permission by his bishop to do his 'bish talk' on the bishops convension with Raymond Arroyo next week. I think Fr. Gould is from this diocese.

Bet he could take all those soulforce people with one hand tied behind his back!

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