Got a voice mail at the Schultz house around 4pm urging us to get out and vote for Bush and Davis.
Done and done. And done and done again since voted the same way. And I thought I was the weirdest denizen of this blog!
I call her sometimes. Just because I'm in technology.
I often call Mr. Lams of St. Blogs, Victor 2.0 (neither of us is used to having an unrelated Victor around).
Obviously version numbers wouldn't work for a wife...
Unless you're Larry King.
This page contains a single entry by John Schultz published on November 2, 2004 5:50 PM.
Seen at the polls was the previous entry in this blog.
Morning TV is the next entry in this blog.
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I call her sometimes. Just because I'm in technology.
I often call Mr. Lams of St. Blogs, Victor 2.0 (neither of us is used to having an unrelated Victor around).
Obviously version numbers wouldn't work for a wife...
Unless you're Larry King.