Democrats got religion the day after the election

A Party on Its Knees by George Neumayr in the American Spectator

The problem is that Casey Democrats find themselves in such bad company. The "people of faith" (a PC way of saying "Christians") are continually marginalized by those who believe religion is for dunderheads and throwbacks from the Dark Ages. Expect the leopard to change its spots on the outside and retain it's atheistic guile on the inside. Maybe Hillary will get ordained a Baptist minister before '08! And Barak Obama will become Catholic and change his name to Barak O'Connor.

Happy Sunday, everyone!


Just so long as we don't see that old picture of Hillary in choir robes from their Methodist church in Little Rock! Bad 70s hair and glasses (for which I do not blame HER at all - it was the whole decade).

Barak O'Connor

Nah. Barak O'Bannon.

Hillary getting that ol time that's a hoot!

Kerry dressed up in huntin' gear to fool the Bubbas, and went to church twice on Sundays to fool the evangelicals, but somehow neither group believed he was one of them. Maybe somebody else will be able to fake sincerity better than he did.

Benny Hill once said that the secret to success is to always be sincere -- even when you don't mean it.

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This page contains a single entry by Sal published on November 7, 2004 10:37 AM.

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