Shyster Sells Embryonic Stem cell Snake Oil

Just posted over at Drudge, John Edwards reportedly said, "When John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going to walk. Get up out of that wheelchair and walk again..."

No link to the source as yet. As loathe as I am to jump the gun, it sounds like something he would say. This is beyond the pale. Truly.


Well, John Kerry and televangelist Benny Hinn do share a bit of a resemblance...

It bears repeating: remember when aborted fetus brains were going to cure Alzheimer's patients? And how anyone who opposed that treatment was a monster? And how the treatment didn't work, yet you never heard about that on the evening news?

"Ebryonic"? No, and it's not "Ebonic" either. It's "Embryonic".

Sal, can you go edit this entry and copy-and-paste the "m" into the right place? Just looking at that typo is painful.

The really despicable thing about this statement....speaking as one who did have a spinal cord injury 25 years that it is a politicization of disability. Disabled persons don't need Elmer me find affordable housing.....

Totally unrelated: has anyone read about the seminarians for life ejected from a kerry rally the other that's inclusive...truly catholic.

Yes, Eric, I too remember when fetal brain tissue was touted as a cure for Alzheimers. I too remember that it didn't work--and that we haven't heard a peep about that fact from the mainline media who had demonized people like you and me at the time.

Probably the saddest case is that of Morton Kondracke, whose wife Milly had fetal tissue transplants to treat her Alzheimer's in the '90s. That didn't work, and this past year Morton was back out calling for Federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. He even had a picture of the two of them sitting together for the article.

I thought, how sad to see a thoughful man like K. turned to promoting killing for (a false) hope to save his beloved wife. She died recently, but we probably will hear more from him. May God grant him recognition of the truth--one may not kill one innocent human being to (ostensibly) save another.

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